Rie a.k.a. Suzaku本人による「Mystery Hunter」楽曲解説
私は昔から都市伝説、世界の不思議、宇宙などの分野にとても興味があり、いつかそういうテーマでアルバムを作りたいと考え構想から3年、満を持して遂にこのMystery Hunterを完成させる事が出来ました!無限に広がる宇宙の中、私達が住む地球だけに生物がいると考える方が難しく、地球外生命体の存在無くしては考えられない現象や事例がこの世界には多数存在します。今回はその中で9つのテーマを取り上げ自分なりに曲にしました。自分の音楽の原点であるプログレ音楽を中心に、難解かつ壮大な曲が畳み掛ける音楽絵巻のようなアルバムに仕上がりました。是非宇宙を感じながら、ワクワクした気持ちでRie a.k.a. Suzakuの音世界をお楽しみ下さい!
I have always been interested in urban legends, the wonders of the world, and the universe, and I wanted to make an album on those themes.
Three years after I started planning, I was finally able to complete this Mystery Hunter album!
In the infinitely expanding universe, it is difficult to believe that the only living creatures are on our Earth.
There are many phenomena and happenings in this world that are unthinkable without the existence of extra-terrestrial life.
This time, I took nine themes from amongst them and created songs based on them in my own way. Centered on progressive music, which is my musical background, the album is like a musical picture scroll, with complex and grandiose songs.
Please enjoy the world of Rie a.k.a. Suzaku's sound with a sense of space and excitement!
1. Area 51
Area 51 is a top secret facility of the United States Air Force located in Groom Lake, Nevada, USA.
On the surface, it is a facility for developing spy reconnaissance aircraft and manufacturing and testing prototypes, but behind the scenes, it is alleged that it functions as a research facility into aliens and UFOs!
Also, recently, it has been said that Area 52 exists inside the US Naval Weapons Laboratory in China Lake, USA!
I have never encountered a UFO or aliens, but I have always felt that aliens and UFOs are expected. This song is a spacey prog metal song reminiscent of space science fiction!
2. Shambhala -Eternal Utopia-
Shambhala is an underground utopia in Tibetan Buddhism, also known as Agartha. It is said that there is a passage to Shambhala in the Potala Palace in Tibet. This is an interpretation based on the "Hollow Earth Theory," which says that there is a sun called the Central Sun inside the Earth, and that the underground country formed around that sun is called Shambhala. (In fact, it is said that half of the UFOs sighted on Earth come from underground!?)
It is said that there are routes to Shambhala from the Antarctic and Arctic poles, as well as several other places on Earth, and that only high priests who have endured the rigorous training in Tibet can reach Shambhala, the utopia.
In honor of this, mantras and singing bowls (A metal bowl which produces a relaxing sound) often appear in the song. This song was the first song I produced on the album, and it has a strong progressive element to it, as I tried to express my own utopia through music. I'd like to go there someday!
3. Bermuda Triangle
The Bermuda Triangle is a triangular sea area that connects the tip of the Florida peninsula with Puerto Rico and the Bermuda Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
Since ancient times, there have been many incidents in which ships and planes suddenly disappear without a trace, and it is also known as the "Devil's Triangle". More than 100 ships and planes have gone missing to date, and the number of victims is said to be over 1,000. The cause has never been determined, and various theories have been suggested, such as methane bubbles, extraterrestrial life forms, inter-dimensional travel, etc.
There have been cases where people have survived after being involved in incidents in the Bermuda Triangle, and this song expresses the story of how people survived despite being involved. It has a very thrilling sound.
4. Nazca
The Nazca Lines are found in the arid region of central and southern Peru, and feature approximately 700 geometric patterns and 70 different kinds of animals. They come in all different sizes, but some are so large that they cannot be seen in their entirety unless viewed from the air.
So how on earth were these Nazca Lines, which are said to have been drawn between the 2nd century BC and the 7th century AD, made? Who made them, and for what purpose?
I like the exciting theory that they are runways for spaceships made by aliens! This song has the most refreshing fusion feel on the album.
I was very conscious of the chord progression and the sound when I created it. I made it with the feeling of looking at the Nazca Lines from above in a light plane! I hope you enjoy this magnificent journey in the sky with me!
5. Zero Point Field
Zero-point field is a technical term in quantum mechanics, and I regard it as equal to the Akashic Record.
The Akashic Record holds a library of the universe, storing all information about the past, present, and future. The zero-point field is a place where "everything is where there is nothing," and it is the same concept of "emptiness" as in the Buddhist Heart Sutra, "form is emptiness."
On Earth, where we live, there is a concept of time, but in the universe there is no concept of time, so it is believed that the past, present, and future all exist on the same time axis. For this reason, I tried to express the atmosphere of the past, present, and future existing simultaneously by using many odd time signatures, chords that change rapidly from minor to major, and a composition with rapidly changing scenes.
6. KaTaKaMuNa
Katakamuna is believed to be the writing of an ancient civilization that existed about 12,000 years ago. It is said that the Mu continent existed in the Pacific Ocean, around present-day Japan (Yamato) during this time. For this reason, this song was created with a Japanese atmosphere at its core.
But at the same time I thought this song should also contain futuristic elements because it is also said they already had spaceship technology, so the whole song is constructed with techno beats, and Japanese and techno, past and future coexist.
The song begins with five verses from Katakamuna Utahi. I assigned "Hifumiyoi" as "one, two, three, four, five," which represents descension. "Mawaritemekuru" is the cycle of nature. I also assigned "Munayakoto" as "six, seven, eight, nine, ten," which represents ascension. We descend to Earth, circulate with nature, and then return to our souls (elementary particles).
I tried to express such a story in this song.
7. Time Traveler
冒頭は時計の秒針、『Who am I?』『Where is here?』と彷徨う主人公の気持ちを演出し、そこから一気に時空の旅へと突入。
This is a song I created at the request of my executive producer who suggested I create a song with the theme of time travel. That being said, I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do with it (lol). At the beginning there is a second hand of a clock.
"Who am I?", "Where is here?"
It re-creates the feelings of the wandering adventurer, and then it takes us straight into a journey through time and space.
I created a thrilling composition with dizzying scenes to express the feeling of time travel. When I was creating this song, I suddenly had the idea of ??combining slap bass with prog metal! I've listened to a lot of prog metal up until now, but as far as I know, there are few bands that embody that kind of sound, so I created it through trial and error. The result was just as I expected! Slap bass fits in with metal so well, doesn’t it?! Please enjoy this innovative sound!
8. Atlas
Atlantis is a legendary island that is said to have existed in the Atlantic Ocean about 12,000 years ago, and it seems that science there was very advanced. They already had futuristic tools such as warp devices, spaceships, and time machines at that time. The title of this song, "Atlas," is the name of the eldest son of Poseidon, the god of the sea, and the first king of Atlantis, which was named after the king.
It is said that the descendants of Atlantis built the Egyptian civilization, followed by the Greek civilization, and then the Roman civilization. It is also said that the descendants of Atlantis also built the pyramids of Egypt! For this reason, I tried to express it by adding a scale that is reminiscent of the Middle East in the middle of the song. They had a crystal civilization and made full use of the vibrations of crystal, so perhaps the pyramids were also built using the power of that vibration!
In order to express the futuristic atmosphere of Atlantis, the song starts with a synth sound that gives a sense of the techno world, and the bright atmosphere, materialistic worldview, divinity, and other various soundscapes are all collected into one song, making it a big sound!
9. 369 -MiRoKu-
音楽的にも色々実験をし、サークルof 5thやコントラリーモーションなどを駆使し、自分なりの宇宙の神秘、壮大さ、浮遊感を音で表現してみました!宇宙を感じながら聴いてみて下さい☆
Mi-Roku-Ku is the Japanese pronunciation of 3,6,9.
This song is based on the theme of the "Law of 369" proposed by the genius scientist Nikola Tesla, who said, "If you know the secret of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, you have the key to the universe." (Maitreya Bodhisattva is also called Miroku).
It is also said that Tesla had access to the Akashic Records. "3" is creation, "6" is maintenance, and "9" is destruction and rebirth. "Circulation" occurs within these three numbers. Conversely, the other numbers and all the matter in this world, is a collection of 142857, which represents the material world, and 369 represents the spiritual world.
This song was created at 432Hz. A frequency which is said to vibrate the water in the human body perfectly, and produce a healing effect, and also act on the right side of the brain, which controls intuition and sensitivity.
Interestingly, music is made up of 12 tones, and if you divide 432 by 12 the result is 36. If you add each to get a single digit (3+6), you get 9. However, 440Hz, which has become the common pitch standard cannot be divided exactly by 12. ??Even if you divide 432 by 3, 6, and 9, the results are 432÷3=144 (1+4+4=9), 432÷6=72 (7+2=9), and 432÷9=48 (4+8=12?1+2=3), which is very interesting because it has the property that the results are only 3, 6, and 9.
Furthermore, the tempo is set to 81, so that 8+1=9, and the time signature of the song is constructed in 3/4 or 6/8 except for the chorus. I experimented with various musical elements, making full use of the circle of fifths and contrary motions, and tried to express the mystery, grandeur, and floating feeling of the universe in my own way through sound! Please listen to it while imagining the universe!dd